Teaching and Learning Excellence Foundation

Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Excellence Foundation (TALEF), where we are dedicated to transforming education in Zambia. Our mission is to create an inclusive, innovative, and supportive educational environment that empowers students and educators alike.

More About Us

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Our Vision

To create a society where education becomes a catalyst for positive change, resilience, and environmental stewardship, ultimately enabling individuals and communities to thrive.

TLEF Mission

To improve learning outcomes and promote the Sustainable Development Goals by ensuring quality education, addressing hunger, and combating climate change through collaborative and innovative educational initiatives.

Our Goal

The foundation envisions a future where education becomes a powerful force for positive change, promoting resilience, environmental stewardship, and overall well-being of adolescents in schools and communities at large.

Through our comprehensive programs in digital literacy, STEM education, environmental stewardship, mental health support, and community engagement, we strive to address contemporary educational challenges and unlock the potential of every learner. By working alongside the government and stakeholders, we aim to improve learning outcomes and meet the demands of the 21st century. Join us on our journey to build a brighter, more equitable future for Zambia’s education system.

Brief History

Teaching and Learning Excellence Foundation is a dynamic and forward-thinking organisation founded by teachers dedicated to reshaping the landscape of education. Our mission is to catalyze a revolution in teaching and learning by focusing on multiple pillars critical to delivering quality education. We are driven by a vision of an education system that nurtures curious minds, fosters critical thinking, and empowers students to excel in a rapidly evolving world.  Aligned with sustainable development Goal 4 (SDG 4)-Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” the objective is to work towards breaking down barriers and improving accessibility while simultaneously fostering high standards of education to empower individuals and communities.